Monday, 29 November 2010

Analysis Of Two Feature Articles

Kerrang Feature Article

This is a feature article from Kerrang Magazine. There are only four colours that have been used on this article and they are red, white, black and brown. None of the pictures are in colour which suggests the type of band that they are (for example, emo). There are five different photos overall and one of them takes up the whole of the first page and then the other four make up the bottom of the second page. There isn't much text on this article but there isn't any black spaces, but it doesn't make it look like theres nothing there as the photos draw you in to the article aswell. The slanted text at the top makes it more interesting and by going over the two pages you can tell the photos on the other page are also to do with that article.

NME Feature Article

This is a double page spread from the NME magazine. Some of the text is highlighted and for this article they have used blue, black and white text to keep it simple and not look to busy. There isn’t alot of text as it’s also talking about other bands as well as ‘The Teenagers’. Some of the main parts of the article are pulled out as pull quotes to draw the audience into the article. It has a need to know box which includes some short facts about the band, this makes it easier for readers to see if they are just flicking through the magazine. This magazine goes is a typical NME feature article as it's quite short and tells the readers exactly what they want to know, there is a large image and the colours all compliment each other well.

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